Friday, October 15, 2010


been a long long time baby.
though i must say they've got some pretty darn fancy templates nowadays.
either that or i must be trapped in some time machine in year __90s.
anygays, if any lost souls out there reading this piece of crap happens to be dumb enough to wonder what happened to the last piece of crap i was working on and dropped like a hot potato, my explanation is that i don't need to blog to have a conversation with myself.
and therefore i like to play with the idea that I AM ABOVE TECHNOLOGY!

oh how utterly silly.
and the only reason i "blog" is because i'm narcissistic to the point where when i'm bored and all alone, i find great joy in watching my fingers fly gracefully over the keyboard so quickly, it makes me proud. and that pride is what gives me the drive to blog. for a few weeks. and on a "new" blog every few semesters.
that's all folks.

i just got to keep reminding myself that i'm HAPPY and one day i just might get lucky


  1. you're right i did roll my eyes!! why you make me come and read this sia.

  2. hahaha ya i know! i'm so crever ain't i? byebye neighbour.
