Tuesday, June 21, 2011


1) BBBS boat quay is gonna be up and running real soon
2) my life has fallen apart left right & center and at this point of time i'm still picking up the pieces of the aftermath
3) i haven't seen hafiz in forever
4) i finally hung out w Q and Amin after not seeing them for 4 yearz
5) someone kissed me. Someone i would never have imagined.
6) i kissed back.
7) i miss Q still.
8) i had my first and pray LAST allergic reaction to a cat
9) life goez on
10) till next time. If i'm still struggling to stay alive;

i just got to keep reminding myself that i'm HAPPY and one day i just might get lucky

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I don't care bout you children haters.
But one day i want to have my own kids.
With a shit load of anaesthetic(no idea how to spell this) or perhaps i'll just adopt an unwanted baby.
I would love for someone to be so dependent on me that i'm the only world they know of. Until they grow older and realise i'm the boring part of the world.
I want someone who will get upset when i leave for work and wail for me not to go, someone who gets excited the moment i unlock the gate when i return after an exhausting day of work.
Who will chatter enthusiastically about their entire day and how barbie or gi joe went shopping or for war or something along those lines as i undress and wash up.
Someone who will sit at the edge of my bed and watch in awe as i brush my hair.
Someone who will eat dinner with me and mess up the table and have pasta sauce all round their mouth as they attempt to fork the spaghetti.
Someone i can read bedtime stories to and stroke their hair and cuddle and smother til they fall asleep.
Someone who will look like an innocent lil angel as they sleep. No wait. Maybe all i need is a cat. Or a puppy.

i just got to keep reminding myself that i'm HAPPY and one day i just might get lucky

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am hungree. And i'm sleepy.
The problem is the hunger is preventing me from falling asleep.
Eventhough i so badly want to.
If i go to hell, god will punish me in two ways, he will either make me starve, or make me an insomniac.
Or better still! As per now, BOTH.
See this is why i can't afford to go to hell.
Tummy, SHUT UP. Eyes, SHUT.

i just got to keep reminding myself that i'm HAPPY and one day i just might get lucky

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Hello World

I am at the merry men. And the drink here rocks. It is very close to my idea of perfection.
Honestly. And the washroom is CLEAN plus the english here is excellent and the quotes are Adorable with a capital A.
It really is no wonder why the patrons would love it here.
Oh yeah have i mentioned the music is a good mix.
But the lady sitting at the next table doesn't look too impressed that i have both my legs propped up on the seat.
I reckon she must think i'm uncivilised or something.
HEY!!! Wait a minute woman. She just placed her legs stretched out on the next seat! Tsk.
So maybe she doesn't think i'm uncivilised after all.
Maybe i'm just paranoid. Haha.
It's great here i love it i love it i love it.
Why did i not discover this earlier!!!
And i just saw Tayorn after not seeing her in eons. Stupid woman keeps working different slots as me. I was done at 5 and she came over at 6.
Anyway it looks like i won't get my hedgehog since noone wants to smuggle it in for me. K bye.

i just got to keep reminding myself that i'm HAPPY and one day i just might get lucky

Sunday, December 19, 2010

One of those nights

Okay, i was so tired just now and my body was aching and all but NOW, now that i'm suppose to fall asleep in gratitude, i can't.
It's stupid i know.
And i've done everything.
I played facebook, i played almost all my apps and gotten sick of em, i've watched the kardashian show thing and i know i can't get the stupid title right, but i watched it OKAY.
What else is there for me to do.
I know what the problem is, but i'm blatantly ignoring the clear fact.
And yet it still boils down to the same thing.
I can't sleep cos i didnt get to do what i wanted to do and have wanted to do for a couple of weeks.
I absolutely hate this.
Ok imma close my eyes And try to fool my body into thinking i'm asleep.

i just got to keep reminding myself that i'm HAPPY and one day i just might get lucky